Vintage 1960s Enamel Brooch Yellow Flower Bouquet


Behold the beauty of this stunning Vintage Metal Enameled Flower Brooch, a charming bouquet of black-eyed Susies, also known as small sunflowers. This delightful piece hails from the stylish era of the 1960s, capturing the essence of the time.

Measuring 3 inches in length and 1 3/4 inches in width, this brooch is a substantial accessory that will make a statement wherever you wear it. Despite its age, it's in wonderful vintage condition, a testament to its quality and enduring beauty.

Adorn your attire with this lovely brooch, whether you're attending a special event or simply want to add a touch of vintage charm to your everyday style. It's a versatile piece that's perfect for showcasing your unique sense of fashion and celebrating the timeless appeal of floral design.

  • Measures:  3" (7.62 cm) x 1 3/4" (4.45 cm) 

  • Date: Estimated to the 1960s

  • Condition: Excellent used condition. 

  • Marks: None

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Behold the beauty of this stunning Vintage Metal Enameled Flower Brooch, a charming bouquet of black-eyed Susies, also known as small sunflowers. This delightful piece hails from the stylish era of the 1960s, capturing the essence of the time.

Measuring 3 inches in length and 1 3/4 inches in width, this brooch is a substantial accessory that will make a statement wherever you wear it. Despite its age, it's in wonderful vintage condition, a testament to its quality and enduring beauty.

Adorn your attire with this lovely brooch, whether you're attending a special event or simply want to add a touch of vintage charm to your everyday style. It's a versatile piece that's perfect for showcasing your unique sense of fashion and celebrating the timeless appeal of floral design.

  • Measures:  3" (7.62 cm) x 1 3/4" (4.45 cm) 

  • Date: Estimated to the 1960s

  • Condition: Excellent used condition. 

  • Marks: None

Behold the beauty of this stunning Vintage Metal Enameled Flower Brooch, a charming bouquet of black-eyed Susies, also known as small sunflowers. This delightful piece hails from the stylish era of the 1960s, capturing the essence of the time.

Measuring 3 inches in length and 1 3/4 inches in width, this brooch is a substantial accessory that will make a statement wherever you wear it. Despite its age, it's in wonderful vintage condition, a testament to its quality and enduring beauty.

Adorn your attire with this lovely brooch, whether you're attending a special event or simply want to add a touch of vintage charm to your everyday style. It's a versatile piece that's perfect for showcasing your unique sense of fashion and celebrating the timeless appeal of floral design.

  • Measures:  3" (7.62 cm) x 1 3/4" (4.45 cm) 

  • Date: Estimated to the 1960s

  • Condition: Excellent used condition. 

  • Marks: None

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