Fast Food Toy Collecting: From Happy Meals to Iconic Memorabilia

The History of Kids Meals

McDonald's is well known for its Happy Meal, but it wasn't the first to serve a bundled kids' meal. In the 1960s and early 1970s, McDonald's had a major competitor: Burger Chef, a hamburger chain that started in 1958.

While Burger Chef was at its peak, it introduced a concept most people associate with McDonald's: the kids' meal. In 1973, the "Fun Meal" was the first fast-food meal to bundle burgers with a dessert and a toy. It also had a mascot and cartoon characters, including a magician named Burgerini and a vampire named Count Fangburger. In 1978 the chain partnered with "Star Wars" to create seven different kids' meals.

In 1979, McDonald's launched the famous "Happy Meal.” This was one of the earliest fast-food children's meals to offer a toy with the purchase of a small-sized meal. The Happy Meal was a huge hit and established a benchmark for other fast-food franchises to imitate.

Although the Happy Meal started with generic toys (including a McDoodle stencil, a McWrist wallet, a small puzzle, top, or a McDonaldland-character shaped eraser), later meals included sticker sheets, Atari 2600 game tips trading cards, and Winnie the Pooh storybooks (December). The first movie-themed Happy Meals were released in conjunction with Star Trek: The Motion Picture. As the 1980s rolled in, McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys reflected a wide variety of pop culture interests, including Kellogg’s Rise and Shine for Breakfast toys (with free cereal samples), Dungeons & Dragons books and game table; video-game themed toys (Pac-Man, Donkey Kong Jr, and Super Mario Brothers). E.T. candy dispensers with Reese's Pieces, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe action figures, Nintendo Power NES game tips trading cards, and tie-in toys for Kool-Aid, WWF, and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

In 1987, McDonald's introduced the first Disney-themed Happy Meal, featuring characters from classic animated films such as Cinderella and The Sword in the Stone. This collaboration led to creating Happy Meal toys based on popular Disney movies like The Lion King and 101 Dalmatians. As the 1990s approached, McDonald's continued to offer popular Happy Meal toys, including Alf comic books, toys from Full House and Home Alone 2, and Nintendo Power Game Boy game tip cards.

Tips for Starting a Fast-Food Toy Collection

Collecting vintage fast-food toys can be a fun and nostalgic hobby. These toys often evoke childhood memories and are sought after by enthusiasts and collectors alike. If you're interested in starting or enhancing your collection, here are some tips to consider:

  • Research and Educate Yourself: Learn about the history of fast-food toys, the different promotions various restaurants have had over the years, and the specific toys that were released during those promotions. Understanding the rarity and value of certain items will help you make informed decisions.

  • Set a Theme or Focus: Given the vast number of fast-food toys available, narrowing down your collection's focus is a good idea. You might decide to collect toys from a specific restaurant chain, a certain time, a particular franchise, or even toys featuring characters from a particular movie or TV show.

  • Inspect Condition and Authenticity: Vintage fast-food toys, especially those from earlier years, may have been played with extensively or stored improperly. Inspect toys carefully for any damage, wear, or missing parts when purchasing toys. Ensure you're dealing with reputable sellers to avoid fake or reproduction items.

  • Join Collectors' Communities: Online forums, social media groups, and websites dedicated to fast-food toy collecting are great places to connect with fellow collectors, exchange information, and even find items for your collection. Engaging with others who share your interests can be both informative and enjoyable.

  • Attend Collector's Shows and Flea Markets: Collector's shows, conventions, and flea markets can be treasure troves for vintage fast-food toys. These events often have multiple vendors offering a wide array of toys for sale. You might discover rare finds or negotiate better deals in person.

  • Be Patient and Persistent: Building a comprehensive collection takes time and effort. Rare items may not appear often, so be patient and keep your eyes open. Consistently search online marketplaces and auction websites for potential additions to your collection.

  • Store and Display Your Collection Properly: Once you start amassing a collection, ensure you store the toys properly to preserve their condition. Consider using protective cases or display shelves to protect them from dust and damage.

  • Value and Appraise Your Collection: As your collection grows, it's essential to understand its value. Researching the market value of individual items or seeking professional appraisals can help you gauge the worth of your collection accurately.

  • Be Mindful of Space and Budget: Collecting can become addictive, and getting carried away is easy. Set a budget and be mindful of the available space for your collection. Avoid accumulating items that don't fit your collection's theme or may strain your finances.

  • Have Fun: The most important aspect of collecting vintage fast-food toys is to enjoy the process. Embrace the nostalgia, memories, and joy that these toys bring to you and others who appreciate your collection.

Remember that collecting is a personal endeavor with no strict rules. Your collection can be as unique as you are, so have fun and enjoy the journey!

Most Collectible Fast Food Toy Types

Collectible Happy Meal toys are highly sought after by enthusiasts and collectors alike. The value of these toys can vary depending on their rarity, popularity, and condition. While there have been many notable Happy Meal toy promotions over the years, some of the most collectible ones include:

  • Early Happy Meal Toys: The earliest Happy Meal toys from the late 1970s and early 1980s are particularly sought after by collectors due to their historical significance and rarity. These toys often feature iconic characters from McDonald's, such as Ronald McDonald or characters from McDonaldland.

    The first movie-tie-in Happy Meal, 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture toys are rare. The toys were rings, iron-ons, a game, or a bracelet–not the small action figures commonly associated with Happy Meals. The toys are so rare that the meals' ephemera are up for grabs, but the toys out there are around the $50-75 range.

  • Limited Edition and Special Releases: Happy Meal toys that were part of limited edition or special release promotions tend to be highly collectible. Examples include toys tied to major movie releases, anniversary celebrations, or collaborations with well-known brands.

  • Popular Franchises and Characters: Toys featuring popular movies, TV shows, or comic book characters are always in demand. Promotional tie-ins with franchises like Disney, Pokémon, Star Wars, and Hello Kitty have been particularly collectible over the years.

    It's logical to assume that miniature versions of popular full-size toys would also be popular as Happy Meal toys. This was the case with the Furby toys in 1998 and the subsequent clip-on key chains, which were included in McDonald's Happy Meals and brought joy to kids everywhere. While the sets aren't excessively expensive (one set is listed for $1,000, but most are priced around $120), collecting all 80 is considered a noteworthy achievement in the collector community.

    It's no surprise that Beanie Babies would be mentioned as a popular collectible, and although they may not be as valuable as some may have believed, certain Happy Meal Beanie Babies are still being sold for high prices. Even without the rarest ones, some toys are still being sold for decent amounts. The most expensive set sold was from the 2000 release, which sold for $450.

  • Rare Variants and Errors: Occasionally, manufacturing errors or variations in Happy Meal toys occur, making them rare and desirable among collectors. These can include toys with color variations, misprinted labels, or different molds.

  • Full Sets and Series: Collectors often seek to complete entire sets or series of Happy Meal toys from specific promotions. Having a complete set adds value to individual toys.

  • Vintage Disney Toys: Happy Meal toys featuring classic Disney characters, especially those from the 1980s and 1990s, have a strong collector following and can be quite valuable. The Tarzan Happy Meal toys from 1999 are considered highly collectible, perhaps due to the timeless magic of Phil Collins' soundtrack and the appeal of having multiple characters in one set. Although once reported as one of the most valuable Happy Meal toys, these sets can now be purchased on Amazon and eBay for less than $100.

  • Transforming Toys: Toys that transform or have interactive features are more desirable and collectible. ‘Changeables’ was a toy series produced by McDonald's and given as the prize inside a Happy Meal. The series took advantage of the transformable robot gimmick popularized in the 1980s; only the ‘Changeables’ turned into popular McDonald's menu items. There were three series produced in 1987, 1989, and 1990.

  • Sealed Packaging and Mint Condition: Happy Meal toys still in their original sealed packaging or in mint condition with minimal wear and tear hold higher value for collectors.

Remember that the value of collectible kids' meal toys can fluctuate over time, and it's essential to do thorough research or consult with experienced collectors to assess their worth accurately. Additionally, as with any collectibles, it's crucial to be cautious when purchasing online or from third-party sellers to ensure authenticity and condition. Happy Meal toy collecting can be a fun and nostalgic hobby, so enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the joy of adding these nostalgic treasures to your collection.


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